Jim Northey

Jim serves as the CTO and CISO of CalcGuard Technologies, an industry consortium for capital markets order routing transparency, analytics, and execution quality. He was a Senior Vice President of Strategic Research focusing on Protocol Engineering and Standards at Itiviti Group AB, following acquisition of The LaSalle Technology Group in 2015, which he co-founded in 2006.

Jim is a non-executive director of FIX Protocol Ltd, and recently started his 2nd term as the Chair of ISO TC68. He served as the GTC Co-chair for the Americas until his election as an FPL Director. He is a past member of the US Treasury OFR Advisory Committee and the US CFTC Technology Advisory Committee Subcommittee on High Frequency Trading. Jim previously served as the Co-chair of FIX Americas Region, and the FIX Global Derivatives Committee. He was awarded the FIA Annual Achievement award in 2006 as part of the team that created FIXML for listed derivatives clearing standardization.